We. Create. Music.
For Over a Decade We Have Specialized in Professional Audio Recording, Mixing, Mastering, & Music Instruction
Let Me Tell You A Story On How It All Began...
our story begins...
In 2009, two 20 something year olds decided they wanted a space to create.
"It sounds selfish but we opened the studio for us. We needed a space to record that wouldn't bother our neighbors, and we wanted to bang our music extremely loud. We also wanted to create a safe place for women and non binary music artists to create music. So we found a spot in Virginia Beach and the story really begins in 1400sqft building, that everyone thought was condemned or someone's house lol but for us it was AH -Mazing! The natural path and progression of any business is to become fully functional, and we did. We built two recording studios where music artists of all different genres would be able to record their songs. It snowballed and today we house a dope community of musicians, multi-disciplinary artists, and music production students. Im grateful and honored to be apart of the journey that is Music Theory Studios. To have some of the world's most talented musicians
stop thru is a beautiful thing." ~ Jazzarae
early growth & funding
Once we got a glimpse of the demand for a professional music studio, we shifted our focus from moon lighting the business to incorporating other avenues to streamline revenue. We soon ventured into selling beats online & in person, a online merchandise store, graphic design options, a record label, music classes both online and in studio, and finally a non profit /foundation that provides free music instruction and music & art events in our community.

restructure & refocus
As we broadened our marketing efforts, we rebranded internally and focused on the mission we were founded on... CREATING GOOD MUSIC.
We zeroed in on the sound quality, the artist experience, our community engagement, and committed 100% to our Music Production Academy. With all growth comes process of elimination and we said good bye to products, services, & classes that weren't bringing in a steady stream of income.
to infinity and beyond!
With the growth of social media, and live streaming software, recording studios became more important to a particular clientele. We noticed more & more music artists getting serious about their craft and gaining access to new opportunities and wanting to do something with that.
This required MTS to step up our game up, and in 2016 we made a difficult but necessary decision to move our studios to a more centralized location. Which proved immediately to be the right decision. By making dramatic improvements to our core values and services, we saw heavy growth as we continued to push for transparency and a clear understanding of who we are and what we do at
Music Theory Studios.

#teamEffort Alive & Thriving!
Music Theory Studios would not exist without the help of several talented Audio Engineers, Music Instructors, Graphic Designers, Photographers, Community Partnerships, and of course our dedicated and amazing Music Artists, Parents, & Students. We call them #MusicTheorists
Hard Work pays off and MTS has attributed to the success of several Music Artists Projects, Community & State Initiatives, Public & Private Student Engagements, and countless eclectic business ventures.
Growing, Brainstorming, Learning, Researching, and Learning Some More, Music Theory Studios, is where Business meets Community.

the TEAM
"If You Want to Go Fast Go Alone, If You Want to Go Far, Go Together."
~ African Proverb